domingo, mayo 19, 2024
Outstanding Mayor

The program «Bachetón 2023» attends Santa Martha Acatitla; elements of Iztapalapa repair different roads / @ClaraBrugadaM @Alc_Iztapalapa >>>

#Iztapalapa, #CDMX.- For the safety of citizens, the work of the «Bachetón 2023» program continues in Iztapalapa, as instructed by Mayor Clara Brugada.

On this occasion, the Bachetón crew of the Territorial Acatitla-Zaragoza Alcaldía Iztapalapa carried out works in the Santa Martha Acatitla, Ampl. Santa Martha Acatitla Sur and San Sebastián Tecoloxtitlán neighborhoods.

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